
4 Ways to Get Fit from Home

We are all busy. Most of us have full time jobs and hundreds of other responsibilities to tend to everyday. During the winter, finding the motivation to get to the gym only gets more difficult. Lack of time and motivation can cause laziness leading to lost resolutions, bad food choices and extra pounds.

The good news is; you don’t need to go to log hours at the gym to get the body you want. Not only is working out at home effective, it can also save you some serious money and time. Find out how to get results fast with our 4 tips for getting fit from home.

#1 Circuits

Thanks to Google and Pinterest, anyone can access a great circuit workout from the comfort of their living room. To pick your circuit, make sure you are pushing yourself but not over extending. You don’t want to be too sore to work out for the rest of the week.

Pinterest offers options for beginners, intermediates, and even experts. You are also able to chose workouts that require weights or that focus on certain areas. The best circuits include a combination of cardio and bodyweight exercises.

Here is one of my personal favorites:

60 Second wall sit
50 Jumping Jacks
40 Squats
30 Lunges
20 Sit-ups
10 Push-ups

Repeat 3 times.

#2 Use a Resistance Band

If you are tired of circuits and want to kick your workup to the next level, get a resistance band. According to, Johns Hopkins Medicine recommends the use of resistance bands as one of the safest methods to increase bone strength and help prevent osteoporosis.” Resistance bands are not only cost effective and easy to store, but they give you real results. These bands make nearly every exercise more impactful on your body.

If you are looking for resistance band workouts, there is no shortage out there. Check out some great resistance band workouts by Cayman Fitness here.

#3 Get Jumping!

Remember the good ole days when you and your friends played jump rope on the playground? Well, channel your inner child and start jumping. Jump ropes are incredibly inexpensive and oh so effective. WebMD states, “jumping rope is a great calorie-burner. You'd have to run an eight-minute mile to work off more calories than you'd burn jumping rope.” Burn calories quickly, and have fun while you do it! An added benefit? Jumping rope is great for your heart.

Do yourself a favor and don’t just use any jumprope. Make sure you get one that one tangle and twist during your workout. I recommend Cayman Fitness Jump Rope for your best results.

#4 Get workouts On Demand

People these days need instant gratification. We want it and we want it now. Your workout shouldn’t be any different. Websites like DailyBurn and Workouts OnDemand give you access to workout videos when and where you want them. Many cable providers also provide On demand workouts to get you sweating quickly. Some of these services charge fees, while others are completely free. If you can afford the hundreds of dollars it costs to join a studio, this is a great way to join a class without the hefty fee!